Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Post-its for a whole day? Really!

The object of my desire

Just when you think it's going to be easy, it isn't.

So I learned yet again today (Monday).  "All" I wanted was a large stack of post-it notes for us to use when we do the analysis after our class does ethnographic visits.  Plus for Elba and me to use as we do our design exercise for the HCD course being given by Acumen+/IDEO.

Oh, and brightly colored ones please.

That doesn't seem like such a tall order - especially since I have a lovely stack on my desk that I brought with me from California when I came down.

But apparently, it was.

First I went to Amazon.  Post-it's, yes.  And even some lovely colors but not many and not the ones I wanted - just like the ones I have on my desk.

Finally, I gave up and tried Office Max.

No dice.

Office Depot?  Nope, not them either.

Yes, there were post-its but not the ones I want.

I wracked my brain to figure out where I got my stack from and came up with a blank.  So much was happening right before I left that I just couldn't recall.


I decided to "look away from the path" and do something else, hoping that my brain would kick in with the right answer if I just waited long enough.

It got to be 2 pm.  3 pm. 4 pm.

And then... Eureka!  It was Staples!  I went to the Staples.com website.  Sure enough, there they were.  But, since I was on the Computer Engineering department network, I couldn't access my VPN.  And therefore, Staples "thought" I was in, well, Latin America.  Because I am, physically, but it will be ordered using a US credit card and sent to a US address.  So I am and I'm not.

Curses, foiled again!

So tonight, I carefully logged in to my VPN and - voila! I was able to order just what I wanted.  They should come to our neighbor and then David can unwrap them and bring them along to CHI.

He may not be so thrilled but I'm going to be!

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