Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A New President (Tuesday)

Today, Panama's new president, Juan Carlos Varela, was inaugurated.  After a very vicious campaign season, Panama has emerged with a new power in the White House.

During his speech, the new president gave the gangs until August 1 to disarm "and join civic life" and   promised to tackle government corruption, something that has drained the country and caused mistrust of citizens.  He faces a daunting challenge, given how endemic corruption has become in the area (and not just in Panama).  It will also be hard to address the fundamental economic inequality of a country where fully one quarter of the population lives in poverty.  And many of those are indigenous people.

The inauguration was attended by many important people including US Secretary of State John Kerry, and was covered by all of the news networks here.

It's hard to see, but John Kerry is
leaving here (look for the grey
That was a happy event.

But then the US lost to Belgium in the World Cup, which definitely did NOT make my day!

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