Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Portrait of an amazing woman: Elba

Elba Valderrama is a most incredible person.  She's smart - think brilliant.  She's terrific to work with AND she's great fun!

Elba is just finishing up the final edits on her dissertation and hopes to graduate in July.  But, being a super high-achiever, she's done her graduate work not in Panama or even Spain where she could use her native tongue, but in Germany.  Yep, in Germany.  And in German.  And that's not all, she also did graduate work in France speaking, you guessed it, French!  Plus, of course, she's also fluent in English.  A Polyglot!

She has been extremely generous of her time and her talents - and her gas as she has been picking me up and bringing me back home daily.  All this despite the fact that she's teaching 20 hrs a week - plus handling all the administrivia that accompanies teaching at a university (don't ask me - I'm not an academic, remember?)  But she is always cheerful and helpful.  Always.

Did I mention she's a lot of fun?  She's got a terrific sense of humor - which takes a high degree of fluency - and she has a lovely lyrical laugh too.  I'm having a blast working with her.

She sounds like an ideal host, eh?  Yes.  She is!

AND she's a wonderful friend.  Definitely!

I'm looking forward to working with her to figure out what research projects are feasible - which also means finding money and some relief from her courses IMHO.  Just a few things to sort out... but I know we will because we both really want to work together.

So thank you very much to UTP for having Elba on staff!  And thank you to Elba for being - well, Elba!  :-)

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