Sunday, May 4, 2014

In which Panama votes for a new government (while, in other news, CHI Moose meets Pero Perro Snoop)

Last night I fell into bed just moments after I got back to my apartment.  Totally exhausted but glad for a great week at CHI.

Today, I awoke late and scooted up to the Super Extra to get groceries before the torrential rain (which hit about 10 minutes after I got inside)
Rain!  RAIN!
and more importantly, before the election moved to the vote count.

It's the end of the election campaigns with their bitter rancor, accusations, and cross-accusations.  And signs and flags by the millions (seemingly) that I blogged about earlier.  Today's Panamanian election is the closest in the four elections since the US invasion that toppled the Noriega dictatorship in 1989, and a lot rides on it.  There's a risk (some say a certainty) that if Jose Domingo Arias wins, the current president may continue to exercise power since Arias' vice president is the current president's wife.  Even Ruben Blades, Panamanian Salsa star has warned that his election would be a "dangerous risk for Panamanian democracy" because this would, in effect be the re-election of the current president, something that is forbidden by law here.

The air is very still here now, but it feels to me like the country is holding its breath as the vote is counted (polls closed at 4 pm, just over an hour ago.)

Unfortunately, the cable box/TV/DVD remotes are all battling with one another, giving me only one readable screen - an offer of a movie I can purchase - and no access to "ordinary" TV or even non-premium cable content.  So I am relying on the web and my friends for updates as to what is happening.  So far, no idea.

In other news, today was also the introduction of CHI Moose to Pero Perro Snoop.  So far, they appear to be settling in nicely together.  And CHI Moose has even played with Snoop which the latter has tolerated (see below)  We shall see whether there is any jockeying tonight for position.  Pero Perro Snoop has not had a younger "sibling" so I'll have to watch his behavior as the evening progresses.

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