Thursday, March 13, 2014

Time warp

Thanks to David for making this possible.  There, that had to be said.  Right up front.

And now that I've been clear about that, I simply cannot believe that I am actually leaving for Panama in 3 days!  It is surreal.  All this time I have been preparing, reading up on things, planning, pulling together course material (or rather fodder) and dreaming of this opportunity of a lifetime.

And now, I'm (mostly) packed.  I have an apartment lined up.  I have collected materials.  And I'm (almost) ready to go.

But it has all come upon me with a loud whoosh!

How is it possible that I STILL have such a long (!!) to-do-before-I-leave list?  How can it be that I am still locating things - like last night getting a shopping cart at IKEA - and figuring out things - like how to pay our house cleaner who is going to come twice as often while I'm gone, thereby off-loading some of the mess-prevention (or post-mess intervention)?  And how is it that, once I cross one thing off the list, another whole page leaps onto the list?

But the most important thing to "pack" is my excitement and my flexibility.

And the amazing friendships that I am so lucky to have - both those already formed and those a-borning not to mention those that haven't even begun to seem possible or even on the radar.

And the certitude that this is going to be a most remarkable and amazing experience.  Thanks again, David!  And all of you who have made this possible!

Gracias!  Muchas gracias indeed!

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